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VARIAXIS i-800 NEO 五轴加工中心 5-AXIS 山崎马扎克Mazak



五轴加工中心 Mazak 山崎马扎克 五轴数控机床




VARIAXIS i-800 NEO 五轴加工中心 Specification Values 主轴 主轴锥度 BT50 最大转速 10000 rpm 刀库 刀具数量 30 回转轴 工作台倾斜(A axis) 150 度 工作台回转(C axis) 360.0000 度 进给轴 行程(X轴) 750 mm / 29.53 in 行程(Y轴) 890 mm / 35.04 in 行程(Z轴) 600 mm / 23.62 in 根据工件尺寸和形状,五轴加工可以提供无限可能的加工。“5轴”的概念为刀具可以在几个方向内移动。5轴加工中心可以实现通过X,Y,Z三个直线轴以及A,B两个回转轴的联动,对工件进行任意角度的加工。换句话说,一次装夹可以进行5个面的加工。 -- 5轴联动加工VS3+2加工 In simultaneous 5-axis machining, the machine tool’s three linear axes (X, Y and Z) and two rotational axes (A and B) all engage at the same time to perform complex processing on parts. With 3 + 2, the machine executes a 3-axis milling program with the cutting tool locked in a tilted position using its two rotational axes. The process, also known as 5-axis positional machining, relies on the fourth and fifth axes to orient the cutting tool in a fixed position rather than manipulate it continuously during the machining process. T: 在同时五轴加工中,机床的三个线性轴(X、Y和Z)和两个旋转轴(A和B)都同时啮合,以对零件执行复杂加工。使用3+2时,机器执行三轴铣削程序,使用其两个旋转轴将刀具锁定在倾斜位置。该过程也称为五轴定位加工,依靠第四和第五轴将刀具定位在固定位置,而不是在加工过程中连续操纵刀具。 -- 为什么选择五轴联动加工? Our simultaneous 5-axis technology raises the limits on the types of part geometries you can machine. By empowering you to produce highly complex components in a single setup, our 5-axis machines unbridle the imaginations of your engineers and redefine your overall capabilities. T: 我们的同步五轴技术提高了您可以加工的零件几何形状类型的限制。通过使您能够在一个设置中生产高度复杂的组件,我们的五轴机器激发了您工程师的想象力,并重新定义了您的整体能力。 -- 5轴加工的优势: Machine complex shapes in a single setup for increased productivity Save time and money with less fixture preparation Boost throughput and cash flow, while shortening lead times Higher part accuracy because the workpiece does not move across multiple workstations Ability to use shorter cutting tools for higher cutting speeds and less tool vibrations Achieve superior surface finishes and overall better part quality T: 在单个设置中加工复杂形状以提高生产率 节省时间和金钱,减少夹具准备 提高吞吐量和现金流,同时缩短交付周期 零件精度更高,因为工件不会在多个工作站之间移动 能够使用较短的刀具以实现更高的切削速度和更少的刀具振动 实现卓越的表面光洁度和整体更好的零件质量 -- A 5-axis solution for every application We offer the industry’s most advanced and comprehensive selection of 5-axis machine configurations to give you the best cost of ownership as well as endless part-processing capabilities. T: 我们提供业界最先进和全面的5轴机器配置选择,为您提供最佳的拥有成本和无尽的零件处理能力。 INTEGREX e-HORIZONTAL Series INTEGREX e-VERTICAL Series VARIAXIS 5X Series VORTEX Series INTEGREX i-Series VARIAXIS i-Series VARIAXIS j-Series VERTICAL CENTER UNIVERSAL 5X VERTICAL CENTER COMPACT 5X ==
